Monday, 23 January 2017

Evaluation question 6

Technologies used:

Throughout the production process we used many different technologies in filming and editing. In this question I'm looking at what we used and how we learned to use them, and how helpful they were:

Camera: This piece was critical because we needed it to film. The camera we used was JVC GY-HM100E. It wasn't as simple as point and shoot, we had to make sure we had the right memory cards in and were on filming mode. Once we were used to it it became second nature to use which was good because we were able to focus more on what we were filming.

Lighting: This was one of my favorite pieces of equipment because it made a hug difference when filming. All of our scenes were filmed in the dark as part of our mise-en-scene. This meant we had to use dedo lights to be able to see anything. This was simple to use as well because we had to plug it into batteries and turn it on. However, we had two batteries that had approximately 30 minutes of light each. This meant we had to be careful not to just leave it on when we weren't filming.

Editing: To edit our opening we used an Apple mac and adobe premiere software. This software was good because it wasn't too complicated to use. Once the technicians had explained the basic features we were able to use it and learn more features to edit together our sequence. We put our different scenes together with music and added the writing for the credits.
By using these technologies I learned a lot about production processes of movies. Every piece of equipment is important as they are all used to make the final product. It could be argued the editing and camera work is vital as the scene simply wouldn't exist without it and the dedo light isn't necessary. However, equipment like the lights improves the quality of what you're filming, so I would say they are just as important to create the best film possible.

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