Genre - Teen Crime/Drama
Treatment-A young boy who tries to become wealthy so begins to involve himself in crime, stealing money and selling drugs, becoming friends with the wrong people and joining a gang.
Opening should show the boy in his room counting all his money and getting ready to go out, walking out of flats and dealing with a costumer who hasn't paid him money.
He would throw a fit and begin to threaten the costumer, from this we can see how serious and dangerous the young boy can be.
Highbury, Caledonian Rd, Brixton Hill, Tottenham
- Dark clothing
- Hoodies and trainers
- Money
- Fake drugs
- Cigarettes
- Fake guns
- Bikes
- Balaclavas
- A young 17 year-old boy
- A group of boys in gangs
- Middle aged man who tries to help young boy do better things with his life, sees potential
- Policemen
- Costumers of the boy
Titles would be on moving images of buildings and flats, close ups of drug dealing (exchanging money with drugs) and showing the credits slowly in a black bold font.
The music will be a popular grime song that is upbeat to create the tone of the film and so it gives a hint of the genre.
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